"Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success." - Paul J. Meyer
Just as every voice is unique, so too are the solutions to help you unlock your full potential.
Every session is bespoke to fit the needs of the client. Here are some of the ways in which we can help:
Individual Coaching
Accent Softening
Do you feel your accent is holding you back? Do people struggle to understand you? Accent softening (sometimes referred to as elocution) is not about eliminating your accent, but about improving the way you communicate so that it is no longer a barrier. Understand your own accent and learn the changes necessary to improve clarity, articulation and pronounciation. Focus on the different sounds of English and how to apply them to your everyday speech.

Received Pronunciation (R.P)
Received Pronunciation (R.P) is an industry standard and an essential tool for any actor working in the UK. It’s the accent often thought of as ‘neutral’, and is often asked for when a character needs to be unplaceable, either geographically, or in terms of period. Learn how to form the precise, muscular consonants, and discover how to balance those with open and varied vowels. The neutral nature of the accent also makes it a perfect launching pad for learning other accents and can increase clarity and improve articulation.

Accent & Dialects
Aimed primarily at actors, these sessions help you break down and understand any accent, ready for that audition or performance. Focus on the different placement zones of an accent, sound substitutions and the shifts required to make an authentic sounding accent. Popular accents include General American, New York, Southern American, Heightened RP and Cockney.

Audition Preparation
The audition room can be a daunting space and you only get one shot to make that first impression, so make sure you are fully prepared. Whether it is a monologue, a scene or preparing for a self tape, we can offer the actor feedback on how to improve your performance and give you that edge.

Public Speaking
For many people, public speaking fills them with dread. No matter if you are the father of the bride, a student or an employee preparing for an important speech or presentation, we can help keep those anxiety levels down and teach you the skills to make you an engaging speaker, allowing you to present that speech to the best of your ability and (hopefully) to even enjoy it!

Children's Vocal Issues
If your child has a lisp, a weak R, a sibilant S, ‘TH’ fronting, or a stutter, it’s never too early to improve their communication. Children are often much more open to learning and it’s easier to address the issues before they become too ingrained. We are experienced at working with children, making the lesson fun and enjoyable while they learn. We’re also available to work alongside a speech therapist to reinforce the exercises.

Singing Lessons
Expert vocal coaching, for singers of all levels. Whether it’s to build confidence, prepare for an audtion or work on your repertoire, you can improve your vocal quality with a voice teacher who has years of West End Musical Theatre experience.

Improving Communication
For many people, public speaking fills them with dread. No matter if you are the father of the bride, a student or an employee preparing for an important speech or presentation, we can help keep those anxiety levels down and teach you the skills to make you an engaging speaker, allowing you to present that speech to the best of your ability and (hopefully) to even enjoy it!

Group Workshops
For information regarding prices, please contact us to discuss your needs.
Workplace Communication
As we turn towards electronic forms of communication in the workplace, are we neglecting the power of speaking face to face? Are we hiding more and more behind text messages and emails to avoid actually interacting with someone in person? Has technology eroded our skills of verbal communication?
A recent Harvard Business Review article (click to read) noted that among people recruiting for a cause, face-to-face communication was 34 times more likely to succeed than e-mail. Talking to just six people was as effective in recruitment as sending an e-mail communication out to 200 people.
This workshop empowers your staff to be more confident with their communication so that they will no longer fear phone conversations or talking face to face, by teaching them the skills of effective communication.

Be a Dynamic Speaker
Do people fall asleep when you make a presentation? Do their eyes shift to something more interesting whenever you start talking? Does everything you say come off as sarcastic or people struggle to understand your tone of voice?
When we think of the great speakers of the last century, what was it that made their words so electric and interesting to listen to? As education shifts and less focus is placed on public speaking and rhetoric, are we losing the skills that make up engaging speakers that people want to listen to?
These fun and active workshops can help energise the voices of your staff and teach them the simple methods required to make people want to stop and listen to them, as they learn to paint pictures with their words.

Safe Vocal Practice
An athlete would never dream of doing a marathon without first warming up, yet many people put their vocal muscles through rigorous exercise without a second thought. How often do we pay attention to the muscles involved in communication?
Singers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, nurses and sales people are some of those who rely on the use of their voice daily, but if used incorrectly it can leave your voice tired, hoarse and croaky.
Like a personal trainer session for the gym, these sessions can show you how to use your voice to its full potential in a safe and healthy way and ensure you are getting the most out of your instrument.

Introduction to Received Pronunciation (R.P)
Received Pronunciation (R.P) is an industry standard and an essential tool for any actor working in the UK. It’s the accent often thought of as ‘neutral’ and is often asked for when a character needs to be unplaceable, either geographically, or in terms of period. Learn how to form the precise, muscular consonants, and discover how to balance those with open, and varied vowels. Although it has one label, ‘R.P.’ can actually refer to a wide variety of different sounds, from Contemporary to Heightened. The neutral nature of the accent also makes it a perfect launching pad for learning other accents and can increase clarity and improve articulation.

Group Accent & Dialect
Group sessions working on a particular accent or dialect. These sessions can help break apart the sounds of an accent, focusing on the different placement, vowel shifts and consonant changes required for an authentic accent. Aimed primarily at actors, these sessions balance the theory of the accent with the practical application required to sustain the accent throughout performances. A perfect part of the rehearsal period for any performance.